We got to Skype with Skibby on Mother's Day--May 14, 2017--and it was wonderful to see and talk to her! She sent the following email and photos a few days later--on Wednesday, May 17, 2017:
Date: May 17, 2017 at 10:58
Subject: Catch up letter.
Hello family!!
Well here is the catch up letter. Basically it's been hard, but it's
getting better. It was so great to talk to all of you!
Last Monday we went to Segovia. We left late and barely made it back
on time so it was a little bit of a fiasco. But it was fun. So that's where the
pictures come from. Then this Wednesday we went to the temple and then went
shopping. My companions really like Chinese food, so we spend a considerable
amount of time just browsing the Chinese supermarket. It's fine, don't get me wrong,
but there's a lot of slimy things in there that look and smell like they
shouldn't be eaten. I don't know how Sammy survived in Cambodia. And then went
This week there was a really big rainstorm a few of the days. My
shoes are telling the story of that. But don't worry, mom, they are just fine!!
I think there is a picture of hna Leong looking for shelter. We were on a
street and had been looking for a few minutes for Hna Tang's ring that she
lost, (after ling yong gon failed us) and I didn't know what we were going to
do because who knows where it could have gone after the rainstorm. We were
asking Heavenly Father to help us find it, but al fin, we had to leave. We
really worked our hardest to talk to people and fulfill everything we have to do.
When we got home, Hna Leong found it on a shelf. Woohoo! Hna Tang was sure she
had it on. I don't know what's true, but either way God answered our prayer.
No news on Oscar.
Luz went to France with her husband (luz de Peru, not my Luz) and
they should be getting home tomorrow. We are praying that her husband will
accept the Gospel.
We are meeting with a family of Peruvians -- Cynthia, Cesar, and
their 3 kids. Cynthia is menos activo after mucho tiempo. She doesn't remember
anything. Cesar is ..... catolico. But we are just working slowly and surely to
help improve their lives. Family prayer. They have a lot of things going on,
but Cynthia told me they both feel a lot of tranquility and peace when we are
with them. Point for the Holy Ghost!! Cynthia thinks they are lacking going to
church and just wants them to be able to go soon. As soon as Cesar can let go a
little bit of his weird Catholic traditions they will be able to let the Gospel
bless their lives!
I'm sending a letter that Carmen sent me. If you can't understand
all of it that's ok. Like Emily, she struggles a little bit with spelling ( jk
emily..jajajaja). Hna Quispe told me this story about Carmen:
They were in principios del evangelio. Carmen. Talking about baptism
or something. And then Carmen interrupted with a question. About (I'm
butchering this story. Hna Quispe tells it so much better) little children and
what happens to them when they die without being baptized. So Eva (maestra)
stops the class to explain everything and talks about Moroni 8 and everything
it entails. At the end Carmen explained, "That's why I got baptized in
this church. To learn things!"
Well it's a pretty darn good reason if you ask me, especially if
you're learning true doctrine. The church is the best thing that can happen in
someone's life. Teaches true doctrine, helps you stay away from evil, you have
fun, gives opportunities to serve. Where are the cons?
Thanks for your letters. Have read them but not responded. We'll
talk Monday anyway. Keep up the work!
Skibby with her two Chinese-speaking companions |
Skibby and companions at Madrid Temple |
Our Mother's Day Skype with Skibby (before we got Sam added to the Skype session) |
Family Portrait! At 1:00 pm Utah time, we got a 3-way Skype going with Sam and Skibby! Sam (left side of laptop screen) is doing an internship in Cambodia this summer, and he joined us at 2 am Monday morning his time. His roommate was asleep in their room and Sam didn't want to disturb him by turning on the lights, so he joined us in the dark and limited his comments to just a few whispers! Skibby is on the right side of the screen. It was 9:00 pm Sunday night for her in Spain. My parents, Clifta & Boyd Tobler, also joined us. It was fun having our family "together" again! |